Posted on Jun 20, 2018 | Rating

Sports Team Manager

The ultimate sailing team management simulator

Short non-technical description:

Designed for 16 to 24 year olds, the game focuses on teaching and practising soft skills for employability, with a focus on teamwork, communication styles, conflict management, emotional intelligence and time management.

Improve Communication

Through conversing with team members, who at times will have conflicts with you or other members of the team, practice empathy and emotional intelligence as you build your winning team.

Conflict Management

When responding to crew member comments, false promises and ill-tempered responses may lead your team to disaster, whereas the best outcomes will unite your team and push them further onward glory.


As manager you have full control over who races, who stays and who goes. Carefully construct your crew by taking time every race to ask your team about their skills and relationships. If there’s nobody around to successfully fill a role, there’s always recruits available for questioning that’ll happily come in at a moment’s notice.

Technical description:

Developed with Unity and uses the following RAGE Assets

This game has been made open source. To see the RAGE component integrations mentioned above: you can look through the source code on GitHub.

Language: English


Game development environment: Unity

Target platform: Windows

Programming language: C#

Version: 1.0

Version notes: Initial version, available on Windows as a standalone build

Development status: Completed

Commit URL:

Type: Apache 2.0 (Apache License 2.0)


Personal skills Interpersonal relations and understating
Interpersonal skills Conflict management
Computers in other domains Computer games

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