Player Profiling Component
- Creator: CSS/ISDS at TU Graz email
- Publisher: Rage project
- Owner: TU Graz
This component allows the adaptation of a game tailored to an individual player’s characteristics before the start of the game.
Short non-technical description: This component allows the adaptation of a game tailored to an individual player’s characteristics before the start of the game – e.g. game pace or game elements. This is realised as initial adaption when a player enters a game for the first time based on the responses of the player to short questionnaires on relevant characteristics and personality traits (e.g. sensation seeking, goal orientation).
Technical description:
The Player Profiling Component provides such a questionnaire on its Web interface and delivers derived values that define the game adaptation. The authoring tool of the component allows to modify existing questionnaires and to create new questionnaires.
Support Level: Reported bugs will be fixed.
Language: English
Access URL:
Source code:
Game development environment: Unity
Programming language: C#
Version: 1.0
Version notes: First version
Development status: Under Development
Commit URL:
Type: Apache 2.0 (Apache License 2.0)