Posted on Nov 23, 2017 | Rating

Server-Side Dashboard and Analysis (Analytics Frontend)

Analytics front-end server

Short non-technical description: Provides a web interface to configure the Analytics Backend, and access to the dashboards for different user roles, such as Teacher or Developer.

Technical description:

This asset provides a user-friendly, web-based interface with two main goals:

  1. Allow developers to
    • register their games
    • configure analytics for these games
    • build teacher dashboards to visualize analytics (optional; defaults are provided)
    • access aggregated, anonymized analytics for their games
  2. Allow teachers to
    • set up classes
    • associate classes with games (that must have previously added by developers)
    • configure dashboards displaying full analytics for these classes (optional)
    • access analytics to explore how students have played the games

This component depends on the A2 server for authentication, and on the Analytics Backend to achieve most of its tasks.


  • Reported bugs will be fixed: Users can report bugs or issues and these will be fixed according to a certain periodic frequency.

  • Continued support for new versions of the OS and game engines: The authors of the component will update it in the future so it will work with newer versions of current operating systems and newer versions of the game engines that the component currently supports.

  • New features will be added according to the developer's roadmap: The development of this component is currently active and a set of planned features will be added in upcoming releases, according to the existing roadmap.

<p class="asset-property"><span class="text-caption">Detailed description:</span> <p>Users are strongly recommended to use the all-in-one A2 Analytics Backend Analytics Frontend installation method described in <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>See the project's documentation for details.</p> </p>

Language: English

Access URL:






Personal skills
Other skills
Awareness skills
Ethics skills
Cognitive, intellectual and knowledge skills
Interpersonal skills
Computers in other domains Computer games
Education E-learning
Component Analytics

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